# Sales & Marketing Channels

# Website

Our main marketing presence. Most of our effort should go into making this a succinct statement of why you should work with Tandem.

Our traffic is split between organic search and direct visits.

After the homepage, our most popular pieces of content are developer-centric blog articles about Lando, Drupal 8 Migration, and developer tips.

# Metrics

Google Analytics

# Tracked Conversion Points

  • # of people submitting contact form.
  • # of people subscribing to newsletter.

# Untracked Conversion Points

  • # of people following us on Twitter/LinkedIn after visiting

# Social Media

Find a place online where our target personas gather. Infiltrate it. Ask questions, start conversations, and present our services as solutions.

# LinkedIn

Where we can share longer-form comments on the things we're reading, thinking, and saying. Professional audience that can potentially include all our target personas. Very little traffic currently.

# Twitter

Short-form comments that form our "digital pulse:" shows Tandem is alive and kicking to the world. Engages more with developers and fellow thinkers in our industry. Potential clients will be impressed to see that we're participating in conversation that is relevant to them.

# Cold Email Campaigns

Target audiences based on industry, location, technologies we know they use, interests, etc and reach out to them with relevant emails that start a conversation.

# Microproducts

Concise products that help our target personas perform needed tasks. These are marketing tools that we can publicize or suggest, allowing potential clients to get immediate value from us and see how a large engagement with Tandem could be beneficial.

# Lando

Use the trust established by providing Lando to nurture leads through email, events, and other channels.

# Events

Find events where our personas gather. Try to become speakers and influencers at these events. Attend them, gathering lists of attendees before-hand to schedule meetings at the event.

# Community + Partnerships

Get leads from being a partner of specific organizations (hosting companies/CRMs/Etc.) and being leading contributors on projects like Drupal.