# Spinning Up New Projects

Use this guide to start all new projects in Tandem. I could also be used to massage existing code bases into our workflow as well.

# 1. Choose a start state

Drupal 8 Template

This is a base Drupal 8 start state. It integrates all our testing, utilizes a composer workflow, and integrates with platform.sh. Utilize this start state if you want a to build a completely custom site from the ground up.

Drupal 8 Minimis Template

This is similar to the Drupal 8 Template above, but uses the Minimis Distribution. This start state is typical for most small to medium sized projects.

ContentaCMS Template

This is similar to the Drupal 8 Template above, but uses the Contenta CMS Distribution. Utilize this start state only if you are building a decoupled Drupal 8 site.

# 2. Create a new repo

  1. Create a new repo for the new project
  2. Mirror your chosen start state

# 3. Record the new repo

Add the new repo to the list of current projects.

# 4. Spin up platform.sh site

  1. Contact Alec Reynolds to spin up a small site on platform.sh.
    • Only Alec has the powers to do this.

# 5. Spin up site locally

  1. Change the name of the site in .lando.base.yml
  2. Change the project ids in .lando.base.yml to match your platform.sh project id.
  3. Run lando start

# 6. Integrate with platform.sh

  1. Add the platform.sh git repo as a remote in your local. You can grab the git repo from the dashboard of your project. The run the following commands:

    git remote add platform PLATFORMID@git.us.platform.sh:PLATFORMID.git
    git push platform master
    git remote remove platform
  2. Run lando platform to login to the platform.sh cli

  3. Generate a GitHub user token.

  4. Integrate GitHub with platform.sh via (obviously change the variables):

    lando platform integration:add \
      --type=github \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \
      --token=GITHUB-USER-TOKEN \
      --repository=USER/REPOSITORY \
      --build-pull-requests=true \
  5. Run lando pull to pull the site on platform.sh locally into yours.

# 6. Platform.sh variables

  1. Generate a platform.sh token

  2. In your local repo, create a .env file and add the token like:

    PLATFORMSH_CLI_TOKEN: token-hash
  3. In the platform.sh settings add the variable with the token

# 7. Setup Travis

  1. Connect the repo to travis if it isn't already.

  2. Setup the travis variables: